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Ins And Outs of Mixing the Best Pasture Blend Grasses

When you walk through your pastures during the heat of July, you might get the feeling that the merciless sun has burned away much of the grass. Yet in the cool of a fall day you notice that where there was previously some brown, there is now some green. What happened?
For one, you probably have a grass mix on your hands that is heavy on cool season grasses – usually bluegrass, orchardgrass, timothy or fescue – which grow wonderfully in the temperature ranges of 40 to 80 degrees. As the summer heats up, the grass will go dormant, and the visible green blades will turn an unappetizing brown. If drought sets in, much of the grass will also die back. Once the heat of the summer is gone and the cooler nights set in again, you will notice that the cool weather grasses which survived any drought will reappear from dormancy. When you see the brown patches in your pasture and get ready to

reseed the areas, remember that these cool weather grasses like to be seeded in the fall; this is also the time when the fall fertilization needs to be scheduled to support the proper growth of the root systems. Herbicides should be applied as needed.

On the other hand, warm season grasses will do wonderful during the summer while they will turn brown virtually overnight when the first frost hits. Generally, these grasses – crabgrass, centipede grass, zoysiagrass, and bermudagrass – will turn green during the warmer spring days and then last throughout summer. Fertilization of these grasses should occur during the spring, which is also a good time to reseed with warm weather mixes. Since many of these mixes do not respond well with seeding, sprigging is usually the preferred method of filling in any holes and patches. No till seeders may also be used to propagate these grasses.

As you can see, proper knowledge of the kinds of grasses that make up your pasture is essential when working to keep the grass growing, green and nutritious for your horses. In addition to the foregoing, by being certain which grasses are currently growing in your pasture, you will be able to decide which to rely on during reseeding, and which to go easy on. In other words, if your July pasture is consistently plagued by brown patches, then an excursion to the warm weather grasses might be a worthwhile endeavor.

Read the next horse pasture article on Pasture Fertilizing.
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