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Helpful Horse Care Basics & Hints that Will Keep Your Equine Healthy and Well Maintained

Aspects like age, breed, activity level, season and underlying health issues all affect the way an owner needs to care for a horse. Some equines are kept more like pets and are prone to weight gain and their diets will need adjustment for the decreased activity level. Other horses may be quite clumsy and get cast in their stall easily or will need you to keep a special eye on their self inflicted wounds.
As a responsible horse owner or handler you will need to keep you self updated on horse care information and basic guidelines to ensure your horse lives a long, happy life. Almost all horses will require a certain level of winterizing, stall cleanliness, vaccinations and several other items. We have touched on several horse care tips we hope will help.

Basic Horse Care How To Information

Fundamental Medical Care & Health

Stable Maintenance & Management

Weaning and Foal Care

Winter / Summer Equine Care Horse Grooming and Cleaning
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The Right Saddle for Cutting or Reining

For cutting and reining horse events, you definitely need a saddle that’s designed to help you "ride in balance and sit the stop." First, you want a saddle that was designed and built specifically for reining or cutting. Both of these designs have their individual advantages but remember, just because the manufacturer "calls" it a reining saddle doesn’t mean it was designed "well" for reining.

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