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> Horse Tack and Equipment
Basic Horse Tack, Equipment and Supplies for Equines, Riders and Owners
Horse tack is all the equipment that comes with owning a horse, riding a horse and properly caring for a equine. For every piece of horse tack you will need to buy you will have to evaluate your horse's needs and activities compared to the type of equipment you are purchasing. Tack like bridles, saddles, bits, cinches, saddle pads, lead ropes, halters, whips, stirrup leathers, horse boots, are just a few of the bare minimum supplies.
Your first trip to the horse tack store will probably be quite expensive, but will become less so over time. Get product recommendations from other horse owners before visit a tack store in your area. They will have invaluable knowledge about their likes and dislikes of certain products, tack types, and price ranges for their particular horses. We have written several articles below about various horse tack for owners, riders and horses to expose you to basic knowledge about what you need and how the tack functions.
Tack Supplies for Equines
Tack Equipment for Horse Riders and Owners
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