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About Hoof Care, Horse Shoeing and Farriers

Most horses need shoeing, which protects the walls of their hooves and their toes. Depending on the work the horse does, the shoes can protect the muscles, bones and tendons of the legs from injury. Improper shoeing or remaining unshod when shoes are needed can make your horse permanently lame.
The daily care of the hoof falls to the owner, who should pick out each hoof every day, removing rocks, dirt and other foreign matter that will otherwise collect and create foot problems. Every six week, whether he wears shoes or not, your horse will need to have his hooves trimmed. If your horse is unshod and sweet natured about it, you may learn to trim each hoof yourself; otherwise, you'll be hiring a farrier to take care of hooves, including the removal and replacement of shoes.

Horseshoes come in a variety of materials; steel, aluminum and rubber are some of the choices. Shoes are usually nailed into the hoof or the farrier may decide to use a specialized glue instead. For more information on horseshoes and shoeing in general, check out the following articles.

Horse Shoeing

Information about Farriers

Equine Hoof Care

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Horse Tack & Riding Equipment Maintenance

Tack needs to be maintained religiously. Synthetic tack can be hosed down or washed in the washing machine. It's lighter in weight, easy to care for, and less expensive than leather. Leather, needs much more care. Inspect it every time you clean it. Wash it every time you use it, and then oil the leather parts a few times a year.

Browse some different types and styles of synthetic and leather horse tack available online.

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