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Selecting the Right Boarding Stable
Any time you move you will likely face the challenge of finding a suitable home
for your horse. If you like to ride often you will have to choose a stable that
is both accessible and close.
Depending on your needs you will either need to find an
arena for schooling or a place with an array of trails or
perhaps both. If you prefer cross country then you will need
a large area for trails. While that can be a lot of fun
activity at a big bar it can also become frustrating since
you won’t get much quiet time with your own horse. Depending
on your schedule you may not be able to work with a stable
that has set hours.
You will also need to consider your horse when choosing a
boarding stable. You want your horse to be well cared for,
but you |
can also choose a boarding stable where they will be pampered. If you prefer to
have your horse out at pasture you will likely want to select a boarding
facility with a large and safe pasture that has some form of protection against
the elements.
and their horses are different and will want different
things from their boarding stable. It is important to look
around and learn about what you have to expect when choosing
a stable. Before considering which one to select you should
make a list of priorities. Finding the perfect boarding
stable for a horse is similar to finding the perfect home
for yourself. You want to get the best care for your budget,
but you would also like convenience and a place that you are
happy to be stuck with.
After you have found your top five facilities try to find a
place for your horses at these areas. When it comes to
making your decision you should always remember that there
is no perfect boarding facility. You will need to choose
which features you can’t do without and which features you
can get rid of to make room for others. The first on your
list is usually going to be your horse’s health and safety.
If you horse has a herd mentality because they are normally
turned out with twenty other horses then they will likely do
okay when put in with a new herd of around twenty horses.
However, if you horse is only used to be being in a corral
with two other horses then there are going to be problems if
you place him in a herd with twenty or so other horses.
Horses know how to be submissive to the lead horses only if
they are accustomed to a herd environment. Horses who
haven’t been in the situation before likely won’t know what
to do.
It is important for a boarding stable to have a neat
appearance. There should be good, safe fences and a
well-kept appearance. You should take a walk around the
stables pastures and see what the facility looks like. Make
sure there are good board fences and not sagging fences or
barbed wire. Consider the condition of the stalls, there
should be not nails sticking out or boards missing.
You should also take a look at the water buckets. If the
buckets are dirty when you first see them then they are
likely to only get worse. A barn should be well ventilated
and have a lot of light. Also consider the bedding. Is there
enough of the bedding and it is the type that you would
normally choose for your horse. One of the most important
questions to ask is if the stalls are cleaned regularly.
Even simple matters can have an impact on your horse’s
safety such as the location of cross-ties and the ceiling
height of the barn. If you have a seventeen-hand gelding you
shouldn’t have a barn with low ceilings.
Talk to the owner about the health schedules. The whole barn
should be on a similar deworming schedule otherwise it could
be a waste of money. Find out which vaccinations are
required to board the horse and if the horse needs to have a
negative Coggins test since this should be a very important
requirement for the stable.
Consider the knowledge of the workers; it is important for
everyone to know what they are doing including the stall
mucker. The workers should be aware of when to call in a vet
and when you horse doesn’t seem right. It is also a good
idea to make sure you choice of farrier, veterinarian and
trainer can use the facility you are considering. Problems
can result if for some reason the owner doesn’t want your
chosen farrier or trainer at their facility.
Ask the stable if they can handle any special needs for your
horse such as scheduled medicines or supplements. The horse
may be in a good pasture boarding situation which doesn’t
require the need for vitamin supplements twice a day. The
feed and forage the stable offers is another important
consideration. A maintenance ration may work for a pleasure
horse, but you will need more if you have a performance
horse. Find out what the owner will give to a horse on a
specialty diet and how much extra it will cost you.
When looking for the right stable for you horse you should
also remember to consider yourself. The tack room situation
and security should meet your requirements. How is your
saddle stored and would you prefer a individual locker or in
a room with the other saddles? Do you prefer a full restroom
or are you okay with a portable toilet.
You may want to consider finding a barn that has riders with
interests similar to yours. You may not want to board at a
place with cutting horses if you prefer show jump. A
big-time show barn may not be the place, if you trail ride
your horse.
Always ask to read over the contract and if the stable
doesn’t have one that is a big mark against them. Everyone
should be well aware of the rules through the contract. The
contract should allow for the stable owner to call for a vet
if the horse in ill or injured when the owner cannot be
Once you find a stable that meets your priorities you should
make some local calls and make sure the place is reputable.
A good way to find out is by asking the local veterinarians
since they will have a good rapport with the good
facilities. Talking to other boarders is another way of
finding out about the facility.
Read the next horse care article on Cleaning Horse Stalls. |
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