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The Truth about Round Bales
You have probably seen cattle fed on round bales. Perhaps the farmer was moving
them with the tractor and you have wondered if these bales were an acceptable
alternative feed for your horses. Sure, you would need a tractor or at lest a
bale fork, but considering the size, this move might well be worth it. |
On the other hand, how do you know that the bales are
nutritionally sound and devoid of unhealthy molds? While
there is not definite answer, the general consensus seems to
be that feeding round bales to horses is advantageous.
Obviously the cost of round bales is a lot less than that of
square bales, simply because the former is less labor
intensive. In addition to the foregoing, it is also easier
to feed round bales to your horses. While with the squares
there was the dragging, tossing of flakes over fences, and
cutting twine, the round bales
do not require this labor. Of course, since the round bales are much bigger
than the square ones and thus last for a loner period of time, long term
storage needs to be carefully contemplated. Many experts suggest that round
bales should be fed under cover, such as a run-in shed, where feeders could be
feeder itself needs to be little more than some corral panels where horses can
stick their heads through. It is not necessary to incur the expense of a
commercial bale feeder, especially considering that most of these are
manufactured for cattle and thus not tall enough for a horse. There have
actually been cases where horses have managed to bend the feeders.
Of course, by far the biggest concern for horse owners is the nutritional value
of the big bales. Some are concerned that the shape contributes to the formation
of mold which is dangerous to the animals, while others wonder if these bales
contain high amounts of dust. Once again the experts have researched the matter
and have come to a verdict. While it is possible to find round bales that are
contaminated with molds and rather dusty, the actual quality of the bales
depends on the quality of the grass from which they are cut and not on the shape
in which they are delivered. As such, it is possible to have dust and also mold
in square bales if they are not properly stored on pallets to reduce ground
moisture from seeping into the bales immediately after cutting. Similarly, if
they are not stored indoors, then the quality of the bales may be compromised.
Experts have one final tip for feeding round bales: offer a new bale before the
last one is gone. Horses generally do not like to eat the outside but love
eating through the ends of a bale!
Read the next horse pasture article on Fescue Grasses Problems. |
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