in your skin. The same is true for
your horse. Add to this the fact that these flies may transmit harmful diseases,
and it only makes sense to control them as soon as they appear. Tabanids may be controlled with repellants since they are usually
found in wooded areas but will venture into the open pasture if they suspect to
find a good meal. Another mode of control is the electric light insect trap
which may be mounted inside the barn or stable to keep the insects at bay. There are, of course, other kinds of flies that are annoying your horse. For
example, the blackfly also lives on blood, yet this species will seek its meal
inside the sensitive ear, inside the soft skin of the thighs, and also around
the underside of the animal. Commonly referred to as gnats, these little insects
may be found around running water. You will be able to ascertain if your horse
is affected by looking for bloody scabs or crusted over wounds. The way to
control this pest is by using repellants, ear nets, as well as the application
of petroleum jelly to the inside of the ear.
Other flying pests include what is common referred to as “no-see-ums” which are
also known under the moniker sandflies. These animals are known to cause an
allergic reaction to their bites with such monumental itching that the horse
will frequently rub itself raw. Look for bleeding skin around the mane, withers,
as well as the base of the tail. Sandflies are usually found in the high
humidity of damp pastures and also ponds. You may control this pest by lowering
the humidity in your stable and also installing mosquito netting. If your horse
does display signs of allergic reactions, you may need to consult a veterinarian
for appropriate treatment.
Further pests you may find are small horn flies which will attack your horse’s
abdomen. Crusty and frequently ulcerated lesions point to the activities of this
fly. To control them, keep your horse separate from any cattle you may pasture
and use insect repellent. The lesions may be treated with
corticosteroid-antibiotic creams to speed up the healing process. Another pest
to watch for is the stable fly which also attacks the abdomen. House flies and
face flies are more annoying than blood sucking, yet they do have an important
role in the transmission of disease. Thus it is best to control them with
repellents as well as insecticides.
Though technically not a fly, the mosquito is a blood sucking pest which is
indicted in the transmission of several dangerous diseases to the horse
population. Since they love standing water, it is best to control mosquito
populations by getting rid of standing water, and also by using repellents.