forage to properly arrive at the amount of protein your animal is eating on a
daily basis.
For example, if you own a three year old thoroughbred
gelding who weighs in roughly at 1,200 pounds and is not
overly exercised or a performance horse, you will probably
want to feed him about two pounds of protein per day. To
meet this requirement you would be able to either feed the
animal a protein mix that may be as low as 10 percent or as
high as 14 percent. While
this seems incongruous at first, you must understand that the average amounts
fed are about 16 pounds of grassy hay which has about seven percent of protein
and also about nine pounds of your commercially available grain mix, which will
equal about 25 pounds of daily feed. As the hay will offer the animal about one
pound of protein (16 x 7%), the grain feed must be formulated to supply the
missing pound. To accomplish this, you will need to find a mix that contains at
least 12 percent protein. Thus, if your grain mix protein level is at 14
percent, your horse will do well, whereas a number less than 12 is suspect.
Or course, if you put your horse in a professional stable, you might wonder
about the 14 pounds of mixed hay containing 13 percent protein the trainer there
might be feeding to your animal in addition to the seven pounds of grain mix
that contain about 10 percent protein. Suddenly your animal will only eat about
21 pounds of feed, and you wonder if its needs are being met. Yet considering
that the protein your horse derives from the hay is about 1.8 pounds (14x13%)
and the protein received from the grain weighs in at about .7 pounds, you
realize that your animal will ingest about 2.5 pounds of protein, still
receiving enough protein for the day to day basis. As you can see, it is easy to
get lost in the labels and arguments surrounding protein percentages. The truth
of the matter is that every feeding protocol may be different simply by virtue
of the different components being offered to the animal on a daily basis.
Additionally, these calculations need to alert you to the vital importance that
quality brings to your animal feed. The source of your hay is just as important
as the protein content of the grain mix.
If you are concerned about your horse’s nutritional intake, and if you are
wondering if you are feeding enough protein by weight, take a good look at your
animal. Is its coat rough and shedding does not happen with the seasons but
seems to be an ongoing problem, you might find that the horse is not ingesting
enough protein. The same is true if your animal looks too skinny for its breed,
and your ferrier tells you that the hooves are a problem. On the other hand, if
the animal is known to urinate more often than other horses, and additionally
there seems to be a strong ammonia odor about it, then you might actually be
overfeeding protein to the animal.