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Proper Feeding During Weaning
You can set the stage for a healthy adult horse and an unharried horse owner by
following certain steps when weaning time arrives at your farm. Both before and
after weaning you should make sure the youngster receives the appropriate
vaccinations. |
To set up a vaccination and deworming program for your weanling you should
visit with your veterinarian since the suggestions will vary due to your local
For the most part you can wait until five months old before vaccinating the foal
for tetanus, rabies, eastern and western equine encephalitis and flu/rhino if
the weanling isn’t on the go. Vaccinating for West Nile virus at four months may
be recommended by some veterinarians. Ten days after foaling and every thirty
days afterwards for the first year you should deworm with an ivermectin product.
You weanling should receive adequate nutrition. Four to six months is the
normally weaning for foals. For the first two or three months the milk
production of the mare is usually enough to provide the desired growth rate and
then declines to a level that will not support the foal’s optimum growth rate.
The foal can consume their feed without having to compete with the dam through
creep feeding. It is best to start creep feeding at three to four weeks. At this
time you should provide access to good quality hay. For the first two or three
months you should feed at the rate of one percent of body weight or one pound
per month of age if the mare is producing a normal amount of milk. If milk
production is not sufficient for the desired growth rate than more feed may be
For breeds such as quarter horses, thoroughbreds and paints it is a good rule of
thumb that a foal consuming four pounds of feed per day can be successfully
weaned around three to four months. After weaning the amount of feed should be
increased to 1 ½ percent of body weight with adjustments according to desired
growth rate, hay quality and amount consumed.
It is a good idea to use a premium horse feed that is specifically designed for
weanlings with a high-quality protein source and an optimum, guaranteed lysine
level. The risk of developmental orthopedic disease, founder, colic and diarrhea
is increase if a weanling is being overfed so you should make sure you don’t
provide too much of a good thing.
For a well-trained horse you should train your foal to obediently lead. You can
often start by haltering the foal and then lead the youngster behind the dam. On
young foals a rump rope works well since if you apply too much pressure with a
halter the baby can fly backwards. A device called the Baby Trainer has been
found to work exceptionally well for some trainers even when the weanlings are
larger and haven’t had much handling.
Starting out by leading the mare ahead, then leading her in the opposite
direction while continuing to lead the foal in the original direction, is the
best option. With the Baby Trainer pressure applied on the foal’s rump. You
don’t have to worry about dropping it and it is safer than a lead rope that is
run behind the horse’s legs. In addition, it is easy to use and the foals often
understand concept without having to be forced. Some colts can be taught to lead
with it.
Read the next horse care article on Tips for Cooling Your Horse. |
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