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Horse Fencing Systems Easy in Build & Safe for Your Equine Pasture

When preparing your land for your horses, one of the most important decisions to be made is the type of fencing you will install. There are many different systems available on the market. Should you go with the old stand-bys like wooden or electric fencing? What about newer systems, such as vinyl fencing or wide-woven electric tape?
Several companies offer a type of fencing that offers the best of both worlds, tried-and-true blended with the newest innovations. “Perfect Fit” is a fence consisting of vinyl sections that slide over high tensile wire. This gives the fence the look of a classic board fence, but without the endless maintenance.

Commonly used by cattle farmers, high tensile fencing offers reliable fencing with little maintenance at a low cost. However, horse owners have at times experienced problems with high tensile

fencing, such as horses injuring themselves by running into unseen fencing wire or accidentally entangling a leg in the fencing.

Using the vinyl casing around the high tensile fence makes the fencing visible to horses. It also results in increased strength and durability when compared to wooden fencing. The vinyl rail is separate from the wire, which prevents the fence from showing a ‘rippled’ appearance, since plastic and wire expand and contract differently. The vinyl rails, made of UV protected vinyl of the same grade used for window exteriors, is easily replaced if it is damaged.

Installing a high tensile fence is not terribly difficult, and after a little practice, even non-professional fence builders are able to erect the fence fairly quickly. The inventor of the Perfect Fit fencing system recommends that posts be placed every twelve feet. In addition, the Perfect Fit panels take extra time to install. One estimate is that it takes around four hours to install 300 feet of Perfect Fit fencing with four rails. Done right, the Perfect Fit fence should last for generations. If using metal T-posts, Perfect Fit offers a sleeve that can snap around the T-post to form a three inch round post over it.

The cost of a Perfect Fit fence is much lower than a traditional vinyl fence. For a four-rail fence, the Perfect Fit system costs just over three dollars per foot. The cost of a similar installed vinyl fence is over seven dollars per foot. By contrast, a simple four-wire high tensile fence costs around thirty two cents per foot, so the Perfect Fit system is higher in cost.

The vinyl panels of Perfect Fit fencing make it visible to horses, and they don’t seem prone to chewing on it like wooden fences. It is also highly resistant to damage from mold, mildew, cold weather, and wind.

Read the next horse pasture article on Keeping Pastures Green for Grazing.
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