Generally speaking there are two kinds of magnets which
are used, static magnets - which are available in a pad that
may be applied for muscle soreness – and also pulse magnets
that are more powerful since they are battery operated
gadgets that may be found inside a blanket or leg wrap, and
are supposed to be used for deep muscle relaxation. It is
only natural that there are some skeptics eyeing these
contraptions with something akin to contempt. While
proponents suggest the use of the specially formulated blankets for a string of
20 minute treatments, and while they also strongly recommend that someone with
extensive knowledge in the equine application of pulse magnets needs to be
consulted, those opposed to this supposedly newfangled alternative healing tool
claim that there is neither proof for effectiveness in treating anything, nor
scientific evidence that magnets do anything at all that is related to health.
For those with an avid interest in the field of equine magnetic health
treatments, the idea behind the sessions is clear: magnetic fields which
translate into electric signals that are sent to the cells can affect the cell’s
correspondence with ions and thus affect the cell’s functioning altogether.
Gently manipulating biological responsiveness accelerates the healing process
and may even initiate it. Yet the effectiveness may be questioned in light of
the horse’s physiology itself. Horses are not flat, but instead quite rotund,
yet the magnets that are routinely marketed to the equestrian set are not even
able to work through a couple of business cards, thus lending credence to the
claim that they most likely are not even able to reach deep into the
subcutaneous tissues of the animals.
Yet for every opponent for the use of magnets in horses there is also a horse
owner with a success story that she or he links back directly to the successful
use of a magnet on an animal’s lame limb or injured neck. Once again opponents
counter the arguments by stating that the time permitted for the magnetic
therapy is quite often the time it takes a horse’s body to heal itself and thus
the healing of the animal and the use of magnets are coincidental, and do not
point to a cause and effect relationship.
Yet there is one kind of magnetism that may show promise, yet it is not
achieve with the magnets for sale in the equestrian catalogs. Instead, it
involves the treatment of poor blood circulation with pulsating electromagnets
fields, yet since this involves the introduction of electrical currents into the
animal, the treatment is far too complex to be done by simply attaching a
magnetic blanket to an affected area for 20 minutes a day. Add to this the fact
that electromagnetic stimulations requires different kinds of magnets for
different kinds of cells in order to show any effectiveness, it becomes clear
quickly that a simple one size fits all mentality will not prove to be
While the battle lines are drawn in the argument of the effectiveness of
magnets in the treatment of equine ailments, human studies provide little input
since the placebo effect appears to be strong in those often not very scientific
studies. At this point, veterinarians are eyeing the magnets with curiosity, but
do not believe that there is much that has been scientifically proven thus far,
usually for lack of a reliable sample, and the few success stories may or may
not be true. Add to this the shady outfits that are seeking to profit from the
perceived gullibility of those who might not have the knowledge to separate the
“to good to be true ads” from those that make realistic claims, and it is not
surprising that at this point in time the “nays” outweigh the “yeas” - until
scientific studies are funded and undertaken proving once and for all what
effectiveness, if any, there truly is.