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Horse Blankets

"We have almost forgotten how strange a thing it is that so huge and powerful and intelligent an animal as a horse should allow another, and far more feeble animal, to ride upon it's back."
- Peter Gray
Horse blankets come in different styles and are made from various materials. They are used to keep the horse warm in cold weather.

These blankets are sometimes quilted and lined with wool. Some are thinner and made from a breathable material and very water resistant.

Two typical types are:

  • Stable blanket: these are thick
and warm, and used when the horse is in the barn
  • Turn-out blanket: for the horse who spends a lot of time outdoors.
  • stable blanket
    Horse with Stable Blanket

    These blankets are fitted with straps.

    Other types of coverups

    • Cooler: made of wool, allows the horse to cool off, then keeps him warm
    • Anti-sweat sheet: a lightweight sheet used to help cool a sweaty horse
    • Rain sheet: this is made from a waterproof material, big enough to cover your saddle too
    • Turnout rug: usually made from wool and lined with an outer shell of canvas, it provides protection in bad weather
    • Exercise rug: this is worn while riding and fits under the saddle and covers the rump
    • Lightweight sheet: provides some warmth and protection
    • Fly sheet: this is a thin mesh to protect the horse from biting flys

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