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Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue Located in Plymouth, Massachusetts

Contact Phone: 508-728-9062

Hours of Operation: 24/7

Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue
6 Cedar Oaks Dr
Plymouth, MA 02360

Located in: Plymouth County


Group Background:
Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue is located in Plymouth, MA has been involved in saving horses from slaughter, abuse, and neglect since 2003. Our passion is horses and although we can not save them all, we will do our best to save as many as possible. Some have been abused, but we make sure to rehabilitate horses as much as possible. Some that will require special care stay here at Cedar Oaks to live out the rest of their lives in a peaceful and safe environment. We will never turn away any horse, and we will provide the best love and care for each individual animal.

How are Horses Acquired?
Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue takes in horses from all over the country. When we are notified of horses in need, we will do what ever it takes to help. Many horses over the years have come off the trucks destined for the slaughter house, from outbidding meat buyers at auction, from abuse and starvation cases, and from owners who just can not care for their horse anymore. We get new horses on a regular basis, so if you would like to help, please contact us.

Group Specialties:
At Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue, we try to let people know that there is a problem with the amount of unwanted horses here in the U.S. We try to educate anyone who visits, that a horse is not a disposable commodity. A horse should be a commitment, they can not take care of themselves, and that when you choose to become a horse owner, that choice changes your life.

How the Horses Rehabilitated:
At Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue, when you are considering adopting a horse from us, we are 100% honest with the description of the horse. Some would make great family horses, while others require the expertise of an experienced horse person or trainer. We have wonderful volunteers who help with the socialization of the horses, and their training. All horses are up to date on all vet care prior to adoption.

Group Qualifications and Award:
Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue has been in a few local papers, and has participated in fundraisers for New England Equine Rescue through Smithfield Equestrian Center in Rhode Island. We are pending 501c3 non profit status, and work closely with other wonderful rescues such as New England Equine Rescue and Black Feather Horse Rescue also located in Plymouth, MA.

Typical Day at the Facility:
All horses are very well cared for at Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue. All horses are worked with on a daily basis, and some have families that have chosen to foster a particular horse at the farm. We have 5 wonderful volunteers that brush and spend time with the horses, and two farm owners that do all of the dirty work and feeding. This is our love and passion, and we work very hard to provide the proper care for our horses, both working fulltime plus jobs on top of everything else, so we thank and appreciate our volunteers!

Horses Available:
We have between 10-20 horses and will adopt when wonderful home with good references is found.

Adoption Procedures:
A potential adoptee must provide references from a vet or farrier. We will do a home/stable visit, and we require an adoption contract. We require a shelter for the horse and a fenced in area. Our adoption fees are minimal. All money that is given to Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue (100%) goes back into the horses.

Our past adoptees can be contacted for their own personal opinions of what a pleasant experience it was to adopt from Cedar Oaks Equine Rescue. We are 100% honest with all potential adoptees, and they can contact us at any time for any questions, concerns, or just to say hi.

Donations & Local Volunteers:
We require no commitment from our volunteers, only a true love of horses. Although we prefer that volunteers have some horse experience, we do not turn anyone away who offers help. We appreciate any donations either financial or supplies, and 100% goes to the horses.

If you know of a horse that is being mistreated, or you have a horse you can no longer care for, please contact us, and we will try to help as best as possible.
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