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Pinewood Creations and Equine Rescue, Arkansas

Contact Phone: 501-865-4900

Hours of Operation: 8am - 6pm

Pinewood Creations and Equine Rescue
7598 Hwy 7
Bismarck, AR 71929

Located in: Hot Springs County


Group Background:
I started and run this rescue by myself. I started when I was 16 year old, living in Mississippi, I had gone to my first horse auction with a friend, and while looking at the horses in the back waiting their turn, found a near starved to death horse standing alone in a back pen. Much to my friends horror, (we were there looking for a barrel horse) I bought that horse and took him home. He regained health and turned out to be a great team penning horse. After that, I went to the auction every month, and brought home at least two, sometimes more, horses that needed help. I've since moved to Arkansas, and have re-started my rescue here, the first horses (five in one week) to come to me were starved thoroughbreds. I've been working with, training, showing, giving lessons, running summer camps, breeding, and working with vets since I was 16, so about 25 years now.

I started rescuing in 1982, just a couple at a time. In 1995 I finally got enough property to get serious about rescuing. Overall, I've brought in, rehabilitated and found good homes for over 600 horses.

How are Horses Acquired?
I take all horses, all breeds, for any reason. Starved, injured, abused or wild.

Since 2003 (when I moved to Arkansas) most of the horses have been local, and most have been thoroughbreds. There have been a few here that were from out of state, but not as many as when I was in Mississippi. We are still open to horses from anywhere though.

We welcome any and all calls about starved or abused horses, and work with the Humane Society of Hot Springs.

On average, we are recieving 2 - 5 horses a month. Currently we can house ( in a stable or paddock) 15 horses. We are clearing more pasture and building a new barn in order to house more horses with a current goal of housing up to 25 horses. If we can get enough support, we hope to buy the adjoining land (200 acres), which would give us room to house more than 100 horses at a time.

How the Horses are Rehabilitated:
Presently, this rescue operation is funded and operated soley by myself, through the websites I build and the odd jobs for ranches and vets in the community, and my hard, very hard, work.

Every horse that comes in is quarentined for two weeks, regardless of accompanying paperwork. During this time, the horse is evaluated for injuries, lameness, health issues and training. Treatments for any health or injury issues are started immediately. At the end of the quarentine period, the horse is given a coggins test and a general health check for any other illnesses. Once the horse is cleared with a clean coggins and health check, he/she is moved to the main facility, and once in good health, if the horse is sound and of a reasonable age, training starts.

Horses that have social issues are worked with a lot, building trust. Horses that will never be sound to ride are still rehabilitated as long as thier quality of life will be good, and are offered as companion animals. To date, I've had 5 volunteers to come and help at the farm, and what they do depends on their experience and abilities. Anything from simply grooming the horses and cleaning stalls to helping doctor injured horses and train or excercise the ridable ones. There don't seem to be many that are willing to put in long, hard hours for free....

All horses are given coggins tests and health certificates, and get a standard soundness check.

All horses are on a rotating worming cycle, feed and supplements are given on a case by case basis with vet recommedations.

Group Specialties:
I am always available to answer any questions from both past and future adopters, although it's easier to contact me by e-mail, I'm out with the horses from sunup to sundown.

One of the biggest standouts of my rescue efforts is that I will take ANY horse. Regardless of age or condition. There have been horses that have been seriously injured, horses that were so starved I honestly didn't think they would make the trip home, horses that were wild that I spent hours just getting them safely loaded to get them home, horses that I new would never be sound to ride. It does not matter. They all deserve a chance at a better life.

I currently don't have any fundraising activities, I just don't have enough time to do it all by myself. On average, I'll recieve about $300 a year in donations/supplies. If you add up the cost of caring for just one horse, you'll see that that makes a shallow a dent in the monies I spend each year on the horses. My adoption fees are ridiculously low, in the belief that there are many people out there that can give a horse a good home, but can't dish out a large purchase amount on top of travel/shipping and supply expenses.

Group Qualifications and Awards:
My rescue is listed with the Hot Springs Humane Society. I do not currently have a 501-c status although I do operate on a non-profit basis, but I am working on getting the 501-c.

Recognition for my efforts have come through the people that have adoped horses from me, and the people that have helped me save the horses. I don't ask for more than that.

Typical Day at the Facility:
I'm up at 6am starting the morning feeding and watering. Once all the horses are in and fed, each one is groomed and checked for any injuries or problems. Then the stalls are cleaned. After that, the horses that are injured are treated, and the horses that are sound to work or ride are worked or ridden, then washed off, groomed and turned out. The stable and tack is then cleaned up, and I run home to grab something to eat. At 4:30, it's feeding time again, each is again groomed and checked for any problems and injuries treated.

I usually get back to the house about 7pm, and don't currently have any volunteers to help, I do it all myself.

Horses Available:
I stay at full capacity, (15 horses) and usually at least 4 of these are available for adoption. The rate of adoption varies on the time of year, more in the spring and summer (2 - 5 a month), far fewer in the fall and winter (1 a month if I'm lucky).

Adoption Procedures:
If a visit is feasable, yes, I want to see where the horse will live. If not, I want pictures and testamony.

Required is 2 acres per horse for pasture, and a 12 x 12 or larger shelter, this does not have to be a fancy barn, a three sided shed type shelter is fine, just as long as the horse can get out of the weather and the shelter and pasture are safe.

Riding sound horses generally adopt for $500, Riding sound ponies adopt for $300, companion animals are $100.

I have an adoption application all adopters must fill out, which includes financial information, job information, equestrian experience, vet and farrier references and general knowledge questions.

How Past Adoptive Families Have Felt About Your Group's Services:
To date I have never had a complaint about one of my adopted horses, I strive to be as clear as I possibly can about a horse's behavior, temperament and training, to be sure it is a good match with the adopter. Many of the horses have gone on to do well in shows, trail riding, and even medieval events.

Not one of my adopters has complained about the adoption process, most even comment that they are happy to see that I work to be so very careful about where my rescue horses are going.

Donations & Local Volunteers:
Volunteers are welcome to work any amount of time they wish, I welcome any and all help.

The biggest jobs currently are helping clear the new pasture, and soon to help build the new barn, although folks that want to groom and work with the horses are a big help as well.

Equestrian experience is not required to help with the facilities, however, with many of the horses, experience is a must.

I accept any donations, Accounts are set up at my feed supply store or checks, money orders, or supplies can be sent directly to the farm. I currently can't accept credit cards myself, but my feed store can.

Additional Horse Tips & Information:
If you are considering adopting a rescued horse, keep in mind that most of them come with a questionable history, and even though they may be a purebred horse, most do not have registration papers. A good rescue will tell you everything they know about the horse, and what they think the horse will be good for in a new home. If the rescue is not willing to provide a vet or farrier reference, or can't provide any other references, by wary. Anyone with a true love of horses, who has the ability to properly care for a horse should consider adopting a rescue horse. A good candidate is someone who is looking for a horse to love first. Someone who can provide a good home, and is willing to send in occasional updates about their rescue horse is something that a good rescue will look for.

If you see a horse being mistreated, starved or abused in any way, please contact the local sherrif's office. Then go back and be sure something was done to help the horse ! If not, then call them again, and contact the nearest Humane Society, and any rescue center you feel confident about in their care of horses..
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