muscles are communicating, and you will find that an investment in this kind of
treatment is actually worth its weight in gold, considering that you may save a
lot of money treating recurring lameness or even shifting lameness when it is
not a sore hock that is the root problem but instead a sore neck, back or
shoulder that can be treated with some simple muscular manipulation.
It is interesting to note that massage therapy is form of holistic approach,
since it does not simply concentrate on one limb, but instead deals with the
whole horse, and as such it is a valuable addition to veterinary care of the
Muscles actually appear as a network of circles that go from the head to the
tail and also all four limbs, thus translating external pressures into symptoms
of soreness in different regions of the body. Of course, aside from the
treatment aspects, there is also the short term benefit of increasing the
circulation within the animal’s system as well as the ability to ensure adequate
movement of nutrition to reach locomotive and smooth muscles, once again aiding
in the health of the overall bodily functions. For the exercised horse, the
massage will furthermore facilitate the removal of lactic acid, thereby reducing
muscle soreness and discomfort.
though this kind of treatment is not new but instead has been proven to have
been practiced in ancient Rome and China, there are some veterinarians who think
little of equine massage. They claim that there is no proof that this kind of
massage does anything for the horse, and instead seems to simply be another way
for horse aficionados to feel good about their ability to provide care for their
equine companions. As a matter of fact, these detractors from the practice claim
that there is evidence whatsoever to show equine massage improves circulation,
helps with the healing of affected tissues, or prevents muscle soreness. Yet, in
spite of this doubt, veterinarians on the whole are not ready to completely
discount equine massage, considering that while it may not be proven to be
effective for a variety of ailments, it has not been shown to be detrimental
either. The one caution they do throw out is against those massage therapists
who attempt to practice veterinary medicine in spite of not being licensed to do