and get started sooner rather than later. Generally speaking, fall is the
preferred time of year for applying for lime and a fertilizer to your pasture
to help the grass grow lush and healthy. Secondly, keep in mind that not all
fertilizers are created equal – for a good reason: not all soils are created
equal! Nutrients are found in most all soils, but they are found in different
concentrations. Thus, you will need to find a fertilizer that will supplement
what your soil is lacking, rather than piling on more of that which you already
have in abundance. A soil test will quickly tell you what kind of plant food
will help your grass grow.
Consider planting the pasture. This is a much neglected aspect of proper
pasture maintenance, yet even there it pays to pay attention to the details.
Grass-legume mixtures are a good bet, as is fungus-free fescue. Stay away from
the kind of fescue that used to be sold under the moniker KY 31. It has been
associated with a variety of health problems for horses, including death. White
clover adds nutrition for the horses while at the same time providing nitrogen
for the soil. Generally speaking, fall is the best time of year to plant your
pasture, while spring is also acceptable.
If this project looks like more than you bargained for, consider hiring
someone who will do the work for you. Hire a professional who knows how to
measure the lime and properly apply it, rather than a private party without
professional references. Sometimes these professionals will be able to do the
soil tests for you as well, saving you an expense at the onset of this project.