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Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society, Located in Fort Bend County, Texas

Contact Phone: 888 542 5163

Hours of Operation:

Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society
P.O. Box 632
College Station, TX 77481

Located in: Fort Bend County


Group Background:
Our organization was founded in 2005. However most of our BOD members have several years more of rescue experience. I'm the Executive Director, and I have been involved with horse rescue since 1999. We've taken in approximately 350 horses and have found adoptive homes for about 250 to date.

Personally, I have been involved with horses since about 1985. I've shown horses in various disciplines, worked with trainers, and trained my own horses. I have a MS and PhD in Animal Science, specializing in equine behavior, learning and welfare.

How are Horses Acquired:
We work with law enforcement officers throughout Arkansas and Texas to investigate reports of neglect and abuse, educate the owners when possible, and seize/remove the horses when necessary. We prepare for court and present testimony in court.

To date, we've received 60 neglect reports this year. The number of horses we take in monthly varies depending on the neglect cases at the time. Our capacity varies as we work through foster homes.

We do take neglect reports from the community and investigate.

How the Horses Rehabilitated:
Horses are at a healthy weight, receive VEWT, Flu/rhino, rabies and WNV vaccines, have dental work performed and are put on a current de-worming and farrier care program before they go up for adoption.

If they are untouchable/scared of people/not gentle, they're gentled before going up for adoption. Horses should be able to be caught and lead before going up for adoption.

We also evaluate the horses to the best of our ability to see what they know. We have a training fund which allows us to have professional trainers evaluate some of the horses and also allows us to get training for some of the horses.

Foster homes are the ones who do the rehabilitation, and those with the training/knowledge also help with gentling and training. Foster homes who do not have rehab. experience are paired with mentors who teach them how to rehab. foster horses.

Group Specialties:
We're a very professionally run group, and we treat our members, volunteers and adopters well. We work with adopters to make good matches - providing follow-up help when needed.

We put on the Bluebonnet Horse Expo annually as a fundraiser, "friend raiser" and educational event. The event includes clinics and demos throughout the day, and several BEHS horses come to meet the public.

MS and PhD in Animal Science, specializing in Equine Behavior, learning and welfare

Certified Humane Investigator

Featured on multiple local news shows, RFD-TV, national and regional magazines

We're a registered 501c3 non-profit, and we've received grants from the ASPCA and PETsMART.

Typical Day at the Facility:
There are no typical days. Foster homes provide daily hands-on care to their foster horses, and the volunteers are involved in doing neglect investigations, pre-foster/adoptive home visits, and follow-up visits on fostered and adopted horses.

We work on neglect cases: receiving complaints, assigning volunteers, working with law enforcement, etc.

We collaborate with other rescues to handle large-scale neglect cases.

Horses Available:
We have between 50-75 horses available for adoption most times, and adoptions vary by month. During the spring and early summer, we may see 15-20 adoptions in a month. Right now, adoptions are a bit down thanks to the economy.

Adoption Procedures:
- Submit an adoption application
- Receive a pre-adoption home visit
- Once approved to adopt, visit the horse(s) they're interested in. If they're riding horses, adopters must ride them to see if they're compatible.
- If compatible, adopters sign an adoption contract and pay an adoption fee.
- Adopters receive follow-up visits at about 2, six, 12 and 24 months post adoption.

We have adopted horses competing in endurance, dressage, pony club events, and more. We have mules who have been trained to drive for trail rides and horses who go on trail rides. Many of our adopters help spread the word about the rescue and refer other potential adopters to us.

Donations & Local Volunteers:
Yes, we accept monetary donations, donations of horse items, and volunteer support.


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